Home Personality Malachi Ross: Top U.S. Junior Boxer Born into a Boxing Family, Trained by His Father Since Age 4

Malachi Ross: Top U.S. Junior Boxer Born into a Boxing Family, Trained by His Father Since Age 4

by Queen D. McMurray
Malachi Ross

When I say boxing champion, what’s the first name that pops into your head? Muhammad Ali? Mike Tyson? Sugar Ray Robinson?

Well, I like to support the underdogs. I’m a fan of the junior boxing championships, especially their rising star, Malachi Ross. You don’t know who that is?

Then, you’re in for a treat. In this post, I’ll show you who Malachi Ross is and how he became the top-rated junior boxer in the country.

Malachi Ross’s Biography

Malachi Ross

Malachi Ross received his high school diploma on May 12, 2024.

If you’re a boxing fan, you probably already know Malachi Ross. How could you not? The kid has become a dominating force in the junior boxing world. Before I cover his career, though, please learn a thing or two about his life outside boxing.

Born on April 21, 2006, in Kansas City, Ross is 18 as of writing this post. What made him want to pursue boxing? Well, you could say he had no choice.

Malachi was born into a family of boxers/boxing enthusiasts. His uncle was a boxer. His grandfather was a boxer. Although his father wasn’t a boxer, the game has always enthralled him. So, it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that Malachi would turn out to be a boxer.

I know what you’re thinking: “What about school? Did he give up his education to pursue boxing?” Malachi is like a modern-day Spiderman. He managed to balance between his school life and boxing career.

He received his high school diploma on May 12, 2024. So, no, he wasn’t slacking at school.

Malachi Ross’s Training 

Malachi Ross’s Training 

Malachi’s father began training him when he was four, starting with the basic pad and mitt exercises. You might think four is too young to learn such a violent sport, but Malachi loved it.

He quickly displayed natural talent and a comprehensive understanding of the game’s dynamics. Realizing his potential, his father took him to the RNE boxing club to train and spar with other boxers.

Although the ring of that club was more significant than the ones he was used to, Malachi was moving on it as swiftly as the wind. Everything about his early boxing life hinted that he would conquer the big ring, but life is never that simple.

Malachi Ross’s Boxing Career

Given how I have described Malachi, you probably think he stormed into a World Boxing Organization championship match, beat everyone there, and acquired the title. Well, no, his beginning wasn’t that glamorous.

Beginnings and Mistakes

Malachi Ross’s Boxing Career

Malachi played his first boxing match in 2014 when he was eight, and he dominated the game. As he progressed in his boxing career, he kept exhibiting unique talent and skill.

Unfortunately, he didn’t maintain that momentum forever. Nobody does. In 2016, he entered the U.S. National Junior Boxing tournament but couldn’t secure first place.

That’s when his father, Micah, realized a significant flaw in his playing style. You see, Malachi was playing too carefully. He was merely moving around and trying not to get hit. Aren’t we all?

In other words, he needed to learn to fight more aggressively, and that’s what his father spent the following months working with him on. And let me tell you, he came back with a bang.

Securing a Championship

Malachi Ross’s Boxing Career

Malachi entered the USA National Junior Olympic championship in 2018

In 2018, Malachi entered the USA National Junior Olympic championship, looking to come back home with gold. His fear of getting hit wasn’t gone, but he had learned to get close to his opponents while avoiding their punches.

So, when he won his first match in that competition, he understood that his hard work had paid off, giving him the necessary confidence boost to win the championship.

That was his first big win and what set him off on a series of undisputed, glamourous victories. In December 2021, Malachi entered the USA National Boxing Championships in Louisiana.

This one was different from any competition he’d ever participated in. Boxers gathered from all over the country, and each one held their dream in their gloves.

You know what they say, though: the person with the most potent dream is the most influential in the room. Malachi took all the competitors out and won that competition, becoming the national champion and the top-rated junior boxer in the country.

Will he go pro in the future? That’s what we’ll find out soon, hopefully.

Malachi Ross’s Net worth

Malachi Ross’s Net worth

Malachi has built an impressive net worth of $1 million, most of which came from his boxing achievements and winning several championships.

Final Thoughts

Despite his talent, Malachi Ross has taken more hits than he could count, but he didn’t let that stop him from moving forward and achieving his dream. His story is that of determination, perseverance, and inspiration. So, you might want to learn something from this kid.

Images source: X

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